Frequently Asked Questions

Is the trumpet hard to learn?

Learning the trumpet has a fairly steady learning curve. Consistent practice is essential and will go a long way in getting you off the ground.

How long will I need to practice the trumpet?

You need to practice for as long as it takes:) For some, that’s 10 minutes. For others, that’s 40 years. But seriously, “how much” really does depend on what you have to do. Generally,, I recommend 15-20 minutes for beginners, 30 minutes for intermediate players, and 45-60+ minutes for advance players.

What trumpet players do I listen to for inspiration?

Urban Agnas, Wynton Marsalis, Håkan Hardenberger, Niklas Eklund, Timofei Dokschitzer, Chet Baker.

How long is the trumpet?

According to Google, it is 6 1/2 feet.

What do I practice on the trumpet?

1st learn a great warm-up that sets you up to do whatever you want to do. Next, address fundamentals (scales and slurring at the very minimum). Finally, play music!

How can I play better high notes on the trumpet?

I have many tips for this topic. I’ll give 2 ideas:

1) Learn to play with a beautiful tone in the mid-range of your instrument and as you ascend, connect the good tone from one note to the next. Thinking of blowing past the upper notes also helps.
2) Players who can play high consistently and confidently tend to have an identity (some naturally, some cultivated) as a “high note” players. While you don’t need to make your entire identity around that (obviously), it helps to have a piece of that in you so as to have the inner confidence to “do it”. If you don’t think of yourself as a “high note” player, chances are you won’t be one. The question then becomes, how do you change your identity to become a “high note player”? It’s easier than you think: prove it to yourself with small wins. Day after day, win after win, you’ll see a change in outlook, approach, and confidence.

How can I improve my endurance on the trumpet?

Start with where you are. Can you play a full page etude? If so, add another 4 bars at a time. If not, scale it back to a manageable amount of playing (1/2 page?) and work your way to the endurance you desire.

Where and when should I practice the trumpet?

The answer to where is wherever you can stay focused for the length of your practice session. The answer to when, at least for me, is 1st thing in the morning. The later in the day it gets, the less motivated I am - but honestly, it’s different for everyone. Find a place and time that works for you!